Saturday, May 24, 2008

Mudpit Mania!!

We had so much fun with our Lasting Images Special Event for the month of May! We created a mudpit and invited some very enthusiastic little boys to join us for some portraits in the mud. Here is Luke having a blast!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Erika and Jeremy

Erika was one of our Seniors several years ago! We have loved working with her again and meeting Jeremy as well. They are a really fun couple and the wedding is going to be a blast!

We Love Our Seniors!!

These are just a few of our awesome seniors for 2008! They are all so much fun to work with. I am excited to hear back from each of them as they head out into the world and make things happen!! We are doing 3 weddings this summer for brides who were my seniors 4-5 years ago! It is so much fun to watch their lives unfold in such a great way!